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Frequently Asked Questions



What are the ages for JTF?

Students 8-18


How many students will you be taking to JTF?

We will be accepting up to 30 students.


Where is it located?

Atlanta, GA


Will my child miss school?

The Festival begins on Friday, January 12th. You have the option of leaving on Thursday after school or Friday morning to arrive by 5:00pm for the Opening Ceremony.


What song should my student pick to audition with?

Students should pick a song that shows of their range and acting ability.


Where does the festival take place?

Cobb Galleria


What hotel are you staying at?

We are currently working on booking a hotel that is within walking distance of Cobb Galleria.


What is the cost for JTF?

Ticket to Attend JTF, everyone attending has to purchase a ticket - $335

Hotel Room - $600-$1000 

Travel and Food is at your discretion



What are the travel dates?

We will leave on Thursday, February 8th, and return on Monday, February 12th.


What are the MTCA Classes?

These will be weekly classes that will allow students to learn the two Group Numbers we are taking ot MTCA as well as get direction with any of the individual events.


What is the estimated cost?

We are estimating it will cost$1,445,
plus food and extra spending money

$195 - MTCA Classes

$590 - Admission Ticket to MTCA

$110 - Cost to Enter Individual or Duet Categories

$250 - Hotel Room, based on 4 people per room

$300 - Flights (estimate cost)


What are the other categories students can compete in?

Musical Theatre Dance 


What song should I sing for auditions?

A song that shows of your range and acting skill


Can parents attend?

Parents are able to attend MTCA, the cost for a chaperone ticket is $335, but you will be responsible for arranging your own travel.


Where does it take place?

Hilton Anaheim

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